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Metal Roofing London

It’s been a long and winding road to the mainstream for metal roofing. Long thought to be the exclusive domain of commercial buildings companies like London Eco Metal have worked tirelessly to drive home the point that metal roofing is the smart choice for homeowners too. Metal roofing provides your home with a wealth of advantages asphalt, wood or ceramic simply can’t and it does so for less than you imagine. If you’re looking for peerless metal roofing in London the clear choice is the company that practically invented it: London Eco Metal.

Advantages of Metal Roofing London

Asphalt shingles had their day but anyone who would claim they’re better for your home than a metal roof from London Eco Metal simply isn’t doing their homework. Some of the many advantages of installing a metal roof on your London home include:

  1. Longevity - Whereas asphalt shingles will need to be replaced every 15 years or so your beautiful, lightweight metal roof from London Eco Metal will still be serving your family well 30, 40, perhaps 50 years or more after it’s installed.

  2. Beauty - A metal roof, beautiful? Absolutely. Chances are you pass more than a few homes with metal roofs every time you drive around town and have never noticed. That’s because metal roofs from London Eco Metal come in an array of colours and styles to match any home perfectly.

  3. Value - Your new metal roof will not give way every time the wind blows like asphalt or wood shingles can nor will it cost you anything by way of maintenance as leaves, branches and other debris slide right off. It will also add more bottom line value to your home than any traditional roofing material could.

  4. Environmentally Responsible - The vast majority of asphalt shingles wind up in landfills after being removed from roofs nationwide. Once in the ground they leach myriad poisons into the soil and contaminate groundwater. Asphalt is also a petroleum product so every time you attach an asphalt shingle to your home you’re promoting the use of fossil fuels.

  5. Financially Responsible - Beyond lasting to beat the band there are other ways metal roofing for London homes is financially responsible, starting with homeowner’s insurance. Since metal roofs are so much less of a fire hazard than asphalt or wood shingles there’s a good chance you’ll see savings on your home insurance premiums.

  6. Easier on Your Air Conditioner - Asphalt shingles have a nasty habit of absorbing radiant heat from the sun. When they do they make your entire home hotter and force the air conditioning system to work harder than it should, which shortens its life. A light coloured metal roof easily reflects the sun’s rays keeping your home naturally cooler and relieving stress on the AC.

Metal Roofing for London homes is an idea whose time has come. Contact London Eco Metal today to learn more about the enormous savings and other benefits you’ll enjoy when you switch from old-fashioned asphalt shingles to state-of-the-art metal roofing.


531 Shaw Road
Dorchester, Ontario, N0L 1G4

Phone: 519-451-7663
Toll free: 1-855-838-9393


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Superior products for you and your family’s protection at a very reasonable price. London ECO-METAL Manufacturing Inc. is using steel from North American suppliers and is able to provide a 40-year warranty on paint for this material.

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