Ontario's Premier Fabricator
and Installer of Metal Roofing
London Eco-Metal Blog

Reducing, reusing, recycling not a fad but a reality – Excerpts

Article written by Sue Richards – a social entrepreneur, artist and cultural animator whose website is www.breastofcanada.com. She is also a member of the Mercury’s Community Editorial Board. Link to original article – http://www.breastofcanada.com/editorial10.html Hence my confusion. My understanding of parenting and grand parenting is the desire to leave the offspring with a brighter future, …

Roof Home Improvement Costs for 2011 – Ontario

The following costs are intended as rough estimates for repairs and improvements to a typical three bedroom home. Strip and re-roof with steel shingles: $6.00-$8.00 per sq/ft Strip and re-roof with aluminum shingles: $5.50-$7.25 per sq/ft Steel sheet roofing: $6.00-$10.00 and up per sq/ft Visit our main web site to find out the approximate cost …

Heat Loss Problem

Heat loss is the term for heat that escapes through the ceiling of the home into the attic, then eventually through the roof deck. Proper air flow or circulation will have a large effect on reducing the amount of heat that escapes through the roof deck. The only way to correct a heat loss issue …

Reflective Roofing

Metal is highly reflective: This involves solar radiation being reflected away from the surface. Metal roof conducts less heat into the attic: Metal roofing, due to the air cavity behind the single and the limited direct contact with the deck, conduct significantly less heat into the attic. Asphalt Shingles: Asphalt Shingles can retain heat and …

For protection overhead, metal is the way to go

Originally posted on November 23, 2007 in The Globe and Mail by Mike Holmes. I love metal roofs – they really stand the test of time. Think of those old barns and farmhouses with metal roofs, still holding up centuries later. Some copper roofs on churches and government buildings are over 500 years old – …

Homeowners hit the roof

By SHARON SINGLETON, QMI AGENCY Access original copy of the article at THE TRIBUNE Abstract: That 25-year warranty on your brand new roof may not be as iron-clad as you think, with legal experts and the country’s leading consumer group warning that Canada falls short when it comes to policing product warranties. Caledon, Ont., homeowner …