Ontario's Premier Fabricator
and Installer of Metal Roofing
London Eco-Metal Blog

The Five E’s

Although precise definitions still are evolving, HPR protective umbrellas share five important characteristics that make them energy efficient, environmentally friendly, cost effective, leak proof, reliable and long-lasting. Think of them as the “Five E’s.” Endurance: HPR systems must meet or exceed traditional performance standards in terms of longevity, all-weather reliability, water absorption, wind and fire …

Asphalt Shingles Manufacturing & Waste Management in the Northeast Fact Sheet

Asphalt Shingle Waste Approximately 11 million tons of asphalt shingle wast is generated in the U.S. each year. This waste is comprised of approximately one million tons of scraps from asphalt single manufacturers, and ten million of construction scraps from installations and tear-offs from re-roofing. Download / View Full PDF Fact Sheet, Revised March 2012 …

Recycling asphalt shingles

Discarded roofing material gets second life in new applications Paul Stastny Nobody likes to see waste, especially not when there appears to be so many options for the reuse of asphalt shingles. Shredded asphalt shingles can be used in gravel road dust suppression, hot patch road repairs, as an admixture to asphalt and cement, as …

Roofing warranties

“Lifetime” shingles and other common myths By Doug Kerr Residential roof warranties can be confusing, and there is some basic information that homeowners need to know – and questions to ask a contractor – before committing to one of the largest renovation expenditures. Warranties can be complex, as well as misleading. Installing “30-year shingles” on …

Metal Roofing Has Never Been So Affordable

The Hamilton Spectator Business Profile of London Eco-Roof Manufacturing Inc. Lower prices for metal roofing are here to stay, thanks to London Eco-Roof Manufacturing Inc. Joe Malec, president of the young firm, says it is a myth that metal roofing systems are only for the super-rich. He says lower prices are key at London Eco-Roof …

Types of metal roofing article

As the popularity of metal roofing grows in Ontario, you will find a larger selection of products from which you can choose. Far from the corrugated metal used for commercial and agricultural roofs, metal roofing is now available in a range of styles, colors and even a variety of metals of which aluminum and steel …

London Eco-Roof Manufacturing: Keeping a roof over London’s head

A family-owned and operated business, London Eco-Roof has positioned itself as a leader in the manufacturing of steel and aluminum roofing. Despite having only been in business since 2009, their environmentally aware business practices and their dedication to providing their customers with high-quality products have given London Eco-Roof Manufacturing a reputation for being among the …